Family Maternity Session - North Fort Myers

I think this has to be one of my favorite sessions from this location. When the sun sets so golden through the trees in the fern trail, it makes magic! Then just add these adorable clients to the mix, and it’s my new fav. The rust velvet Reclamation dress is part of my client-closet and can be used for both maternity and non-maternity. I know rust and burnt orange is so 2019, but I’ll never get sick of it. It’s one of the prettiest colors to photograph, and adds warmth to the images. The olive green halter dress (from Free People) is also part of my client closet. I highly recommend Free People to my clients who are looking for maternity dresses, because many of their selections have a stretchy mid-section and are super flowy. This location is in North Fort Myers and can be used year-round, but I’d definitely consider it seasonal because the foliage looks different all throughout the year.